2008-10-11 05:06:26 UTC
Mepps#3 wrote:
Child Molester Spammy = Len Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 = sam bam =
Aliases: General Trellane = Trellane = dejaQ = radium ant farm = Colossus =
Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 = General Sam = sam bam = King Samuel =
Uncle Samuel = Kingfish = lightpony = et. al.
Same old cowardice from sammy the pedophile child-molester who hides
behind anon posting services.
If you think you know who I am, then step to it you gutless weasel, all
you got to do is stop cowering in fear and show the fuck up. But you
won't, too busy fanning the flames of an unnecessary war that has
over 4300 hapless U$ dupes, and murdered 100,000s of innocent Iraqi
You will burn in hell, scumbag sam, for all eternity.
Pedophile Alert! Wanted Dead or Alive
Aliases: General Trellane = Trellane = dejaQ = radium ant farm = Colossus =
Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 = General Sam = sam bam = King Samuel =
Uncle Samuel = Kingfish = lightpony = et. al.
Child Victim:
Sample pedophile posting:
From: Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam)
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
Call FBI or Sherrif Immediately with information:
perverted child molester radium ant farm wrote:
radium ant farm = Colossus = Len Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 =
sam bam = Uncle Samuel et. al.
From: Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam)
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
Phantom 309 (scumbag sam) the racist pedophile wrote:
From: Phantom 309 <***@big.rig>
"just one drop of "nigger" blood
makes anyone a "nigger"."
From: Phantom 309 ***@big.rig
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
Sam Bam wrote:
Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam) the racist pedophile wrote:
From: Phantom 309 <***@big.rig>
"just one drop of "nigger" blood
makes anyone a "nigger"."
From: Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam) ***@big.rig
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
d="scan'208"; a="44159674:sNHT19148512"
From: Anonymous (a.k.a Sam Bam) <***>
Date: 7 Jun 2005 16:22:07 -0000
Message-ID: <***@anonymous.poster>
Subject: Re: Phantom exposed forging/falsifying quotes/posts again --
Racist Phantom 309 (Sam Bam)
Newsgroups: boulder.general,co.general
Mail-To-News-Contact: ***
Organization: ***
Xref: boulder.general:78243 co.general:258347
I'm going to kill Ward churchill.
Child Molester Spammy = Len Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 = sam bam =
Aliases: General Trellane = Trellane = dejaQ = radium ant farm = Colossus =
Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 = General Sam = sam bam = King Samuel =
Uncle Samuel = Kingfish = lightpony = et. al.
Same old cowardice from sammy the pedophile child-molester who hides
behind anon posting services.
If you think you know who I am, then step to it you gutless weasel, all
you got to do is stop cowering in fear and show the fuck up. But you
won't, too busy fanning the flames of an unnecessary war that has
over 4300 hapless U$ dupes, and murdered 100,000s of innocent Iraqi
You will burn in hell, scumbag sam, for all eternity.
Pedophile Alert! Wanted Dead or Alive
Aliases: General Trellane = Trellane = dejaQ = radium ant farm = Colossus =
Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 = General Sam = sam bam = King Samuel =
Uncle Samuel = Kingfish = lightpony = et. al.
Child Victim:
Sample pedophile posting:
From: Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam)
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
Call FBI or Sherrif Immediately with information:
perverted child molester radium ant farm wrote:
radium ant farm = Colossus = Len Tropy = thundercrow = Phantom 309 =
sam bam = Uncle Samuel et. al.
From: Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam)
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
Phantom 309 (scumbag sam) the racist pedophile wrote:
From: Phantom 309 <***@big.rig>
"just one drop of "nigger" blood
makes anyone a "nigger"."
From: Phantom 309 ***@big.rig
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
Sam Bam wrote:
Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam) the racist pedophile wrote:
From: Phantom 309 <***@big.rig>
"just one drop of "nigger" blood
makes anyone a "nigger"."
From: Phantom 309 (a.k.a Sam Bam) ***@big.rig
"No, on your knees child - NOW!!!!!!!
You will be my little slut puppy. I will have you
down on your knees, willing to suck cock or a strap on."
om> <E3Goe.20$p Comments: This message did not originate from the address
above. It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software. To I'm
going to kill Ward churchill.
X-IronPort-AV: i="3.93,179,1115006400";above. It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software. To I'm
going to kill Ward churchill.
d="scan'208"; a="44159674:sNHT19148512"
From: Anonymous (a.k.a Sam Bam) <***>
Date: 7 Jun 2005 16:22:07 -0000
Message-ID: <***@anonymous.poster>
Subject: Re: Phantom exposed forging/falsifying quotes/posts again --
Racist Phantom 309 (Sam Bam)
Newsgroups: boulder.general,co.general
Mail-To-News-Contact: ***
Organization: ***
Xref: boulder.general:78243 co.general:258347
I'm going to kill Ward churchill.